Become a "Real Insider" visit the Tiger Underwear Blog

Men's Shop | Boy's Shop 
February 20, 2016
Come Visit the Tiger Underwear Blog

Calling out all Tiger Underwear customers. If you have made purchase within the last 6 months on the new site, you are invited to visit the new and improved Tiger Underwear Blog.

No Pass Code Required

The only requirement besides a purchase of Tiger Briefs within the last 6 months is to log-in and scroll to the bottom of the home page and click the advertisement for the blog. You may also click "Blog" on the footer of any page to gain access, but you'll really have to squint your eyes to see the link.

The turn out has been great and its been nice hear your comments to the post so far!
Spring is Just Around the Corner!

Only Newsletter Subscribers like you receive these updates, special offers and coupon codes! However, if you want to get even closer and be a real insider to Tiger Underwear, join the Tiger Underwear Blog. News of our upcoming spring arrivals will hit the Tiger Underwear Blog first! Followers of the blog will be given special access codes in order to be the first to purchase our exclusive and limited products.


Tiger Underwear
(253) 495-5053
Tiger Underwear, 3800A Bridgeport Way West #102, University Place, WA 98466
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