Grand Opening Special Save 20% on all Tiger Briefs

Tiger Underwear



May, 2014


Grand Opening Sale!


We've finally finished moving the remaining inventory from our old website to our new site.  This means there is no product left as it has all been moved over to TigerUnderwearShop.Com


So let's get the party started!  We're offering for a very limited time, a 20% Discount Coupon (think of it as being a Tiger Member for a day)!


Unlike a Tiger Member, this coupon can only be used one time.  This Grand Opening special allows you to purchase any number of Tiger Trainers or Tiger Double-Seat Briefs.  You can buy as much as you want and receive 20% OFF your entire order!  There is a minimum of $50.00 required to activate this coupon code and it is for a very limited time. 


Depending on the amount of orders, this sale might only last 24 hours.  It could last as long as 7 days, we just don't know as we have never in the history offered anything like this.


This Sale is only being offered to past customers (you have already been contacted if you have made a purchase since 2007) and subscriber's to this newsletter.  We are not offering this sale to the general customer that visits our site.


Security reasons, the Discount Code is shown in red letters in the picture below.  We don't want this code to go public, so please keep it to yourself!


Click Here to Visit TigerUnderwearShop.Com


We looking forward to serving you soon.




The Tiger Staff

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Tiger Underwear | 3800A Bridgeport Way West #102 | University Place | WA | 98466